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Board of Health Minutes 7/10/06

Date:  July 10, 2006

Present:  Stephen Enoch, Robert Annelli, John Makuc, and Peter Kolodziej

The meeting began at 3:45pm

·       Approved minutes as written from 6/19/06
·       Reviewed mail
·       Randy Leonard from Mt. Everett Sanitation met with the Board wishing to repeal the fine assessed to him for violation of the State Environmental Code Title 5, 310 CMR 15.024(1)(4)(6)(7) for installing/constructing a septic system at Map 17 Lot 160 Pixley Rd without first obtaining a disposal works system construction permit and for failing to follow local procedures and regulations.  After discussion the Board informed Mr. Leonard that a new letter will be sent.  The new letter will remove the fine and consider this a warning.
·       Nora Hayes, ACO, gave an update on animal control issues.  She had 2 calls to report on; a white dove sent to the shelter it Otis and a lost dog whose owner was found and notified.  Nora let the board know that she still has not received a pager.
·       The board voted to renew their subscription/membership with the Massachusetts Association of Health Boards (MAHB)
·       Monterey resident, Kathy Frome came in requesting general information about a new well on her property
·       The board reviewed the Haver ZBA application and has no problem with it, a letter will be drafted for the ZBA.
·       Bob A. talked about Costanza property on Beartown Mtn Rd and that everything was ok.
·       Peter K. informed Swann Lodge that the Town will withhold permit until state approval is received.
·       Public Record Requests were discussed and the board decided that people should be encouraged to come into the Town Hall, if they still want them sent, a fee may be applied at the discretion of the Board of Health Secretary.
·       The next board of health meeting was scheduled
·       The public notice announcing the amended Septic Fees was approved and will be sent to the paper to publish

The meeting adjourned at 5:40pm.

Submitted by
Melissa Noe, Board of Health Clerk